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Third Edition of the Congress PCI



Second Edition of Congress PCI



2022 marked the inaugural edition of the Congress


Past Editions


Third Edition of the Congress PCI


Second Edition of Congress PCI


2022 marked the inaugural edition of the Congress


Abu Dhabi Stages a Congress of Arabic Publishing


The first staging of Abu Dhabi’s International Congress of Arabic Publishing and Creative Industries is onstage Sunday.

The Evolving Dynamics of Arabic Publishing

In a first for the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair (May 23 to 29), the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre has arranged Sunday’s (May 22) all-day International Congress of Arabic Publishing and Creative Industries to survey the state of Arabic literary output and its engagement with the world publishing community and associated disciplines.

As a quick reference, you can find the full program for the day in our special Show Magazine for the book fair, on Page 25, and your download of the magazine is free (PDF). The congress’ site is here.

It’s an interesting time in Arabic-world conferences, with Abu Dhabi’s neighboring emirate, Sharjah, having just premiered its own new conference event: Sharjah Book Authority‘s chairman Ahmed Al Ameri produced the Sharjah Booksellers Conference earlier this month, at Sharjah Publishing City.

As the many markets of the Arabic-language world evolve and develop, new pressure points and opportunities are prompting new examinations of their industries’ accomplishments and potentials.

Those two shows, as a matter of fact—Sharjah’s booksellers’ conference and Abu Dhabi’s Arabic publishing congress—share a lead speaker in Bodour Al Qasimi, who is president of the International Publishers Association (IPA), the founding publisher of the Kalimat Group and the Emirates Publishers Association, and the daughter of the  Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, the author-ruler of Sharjah.

Also addressing the opening of the conference is Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak, chair of Abu Dhabi’s Department of Culture and Tourism, and Dr. Ali Bin Tamim, who directs the Arabic Language Centre and is secretary-general of the Sheikh Zayed Book Award.

Arabic-Language Exports, Crossovers, and Digital Presence

Lead speakers at the International Congress of Arabic Publishing and Creative Industries include, from left, Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak; Dr. Ali Bin Tamim; Bodour Al Qasimi; Juergen Boos; and Michael Tamblyn

An audience of as many as 300 is anticipated, with speakers including Nicholas Carr, Pulitzer Prize finalist; Rakuten Kobo CEO Michael Tamblyn; Ann Hiatt, a Silicon Valley veteran; and Juergen Boos, president and CEO of Frankfurter Buchmesse.

Among panelists’ topics for the day:
Arabic Publishing: Where Are We and Where Are We Heading?
Education and Publishing in the Virtual World
Is Social Media the New Book Market?
Exporting Arabic to the World
Arabic Media Crossover: Adapting Books Into Audio, Film, and Games
Is the Reader the New Author?
What Does the Future Hold for Arabic Content on the Internet?
We have preparatory interviews for you with two key speakers from the day: Maha Abdullah,the MENA localization consultant and regional languages expert formerly with Netflix and now with Disney Streaming Services Abdulsalam Haykal, executive chair of the Abu Dhabi-based Internet platform Majarra.

For last-minute registration, which is required, send an email to . And more details are available at the congress’ site.