Mohamed Ellabban (panel discussion 6) is the head of the Arabic Community at Quora, where he leads the platform’s effort to build its community for Arabic speakers all over the world. He is a multi-skilled social media savvy with over 12 years in online strategic planning, digital communications, building online communities, managing digital capacities, and crisis communications to develop digital media projects in several organizations.
Alongside his work at Quora, Ellabban serves as an advisory council member at the University of South Florida’s digital marketing program, where he provides pertinent insights and helps faculty and program participants strengthen the links between the industry and academia. He has also served as an advisory council member at George Washington University School of Business’s Digital Marketing Program. Prior to joining Quora, he worked as a social engagement strategist at the American Red Cross, where he led the grey sky operations during crises and disasters, and served as the organization's subject matter expert.